Tuesday, April 30, 2019

April--->May Post


     In the past month, I've been learning about Java and JavaScript language. I've choose to learn this two languages because I have asked my friends about what coding language to learn. They suggested Java and JavaScript, because they are easy to learn,  also the most popular language used in programming and it is easy to read. 

     Java and JavaScript are similar but different. They are similar because there are some similar parts in the lessons that I learn on Codecademy, like the methods, classes and variables. And the different between the two is  that Java creates applications that run in a virtual machine or browser while JavaScript code is run on a browser only. Java code needs to be compiled while JavaScript code are all in text.

     In May, I am planning to finish the JavaScript unit, there is 30% of the unit left and I will also start up another language --- SQL. I chose this new unit because the name sounds interesting to me.

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