Tuesday, April 23, 2019



  • One way we can create an array is to use an array literal. An array literal creates an array by wrapping items in square brackets []
Diagram outlining an array literal that has 3 separate elements, a comma separates each element (a string, a number, and a boolean) and the elements are wrapped with square brackets
  • Arrays in JavaScript are zero-indexed, meaning the positions start counting from 0 rather than 1.
Diagram outlining how to access the property of an array using the index of the element
  • One of an array’s built-in properties is length and it returns the number of items in the array.
EX: console.log(objectives.length);
  • One method, .push() allows us to add items to the end of an array. 
chores.push('make dinner', 'wipe the table');
  • Another array method, .pop(), removes the last item of an array.
EX: chores.pop();
  • Some arrays methods that are available to JavaScript developers include: .join().slice().splice().shift().unshift(), and .concat()amongst many others. Using these built-in methods make it easier to do some common tasks when working with arrays.
  • use .slice() to provid a list of things, use index in the code
EX: console.log(groceryList.slice(1, 4));
  • find the index of a particular element in groceryList using .indexOf().
EX: const pastaIndex = groceryList.indexOf('pasta');
In order to find the target, put the index of the three different brackets then inside of the brackets.

I learned

  • Arrays are lists that store data in JavaScript.
  • Arrays are created with brackets [].
  • Each item inside of an array is at a numbered position, or index, starting at 0.
  • We can access one item in an array using its index, with syntax like: myArray[0].
  • We can also change an item in an array using its index, with syntax like myArray[0] = 'new string';
  • Arrays have a length property, which allows you to see how many items are in an array.
  • Arrays have their own methods, including .push() and .pop(), which add and remove items from an array, respectively.
  • Arrays have many methods that perform different tasks, such as .slice() and .shift()
  • Some built-in methods are mutating, meaning the method will change the array, while others are not mutating. You can always check the documentation.
  • Variables that contain arrays can be declared with let or const. Even when declared with const, arrays are still mutable. However, a variable declared with const cannot be reassigned.
  • Arrays mutated inside of a function will keep that change even outside the function.
  • Arrays can be nested inside other arrays.
  • To access elements in nested arrays chain indices using bracket notation.

What I'll be doing tomorrow... 

I'll be learning how to do Loops in JavaScript.

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