Monday, April 29, 2019

JavaScript(11)---Advanced Objects Introduction

Advanced Objects Introduction

  • The this keyword references the calling object which provides access to the calling object’s properties.
  • the ES6 shorthand is the method showed below at line 5
  • the longhand format is the method showed below at line 4 and 5
One common convention is to place an underscore _ before the name of a property to mean that the property should not be altered. Here’s an example of using _ to prepend a property.
  • Getters are methods that get and return the internal properties of an object. ( if, else etc.)
Notable advantages of using getter methods:
  • Getters can perform an action on the data when getting a property.
  • Getters can return different values using conditionals.
  • In a getter, we can access the properties of the calling object using this.
  • The functionality of our code is easier for other developers to understand.
  • ES6 introduced some new shortcuts for assigning properties to variables known as destructuring.
EX : Use destructured assignment to create a const variable named functionality that extracts the functionality property of robot.

What I learned today? 
I learn a lot of new methods to finish the goal pf the lesson, especially the  ES6 shorthand form.

What I'll be doing tomorrow?

..Introduction to Classes in JavaScript..

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