Friday, June 7, 2019

Game Journalism Work Day 1 - Basics

Game Journalism Work Day 1 - Basics

Introduction of the game:
     This game is basically about surviving in the middle of the ocean starting with a small raft. And then slowly build up to a fancy raft and explore more resources. The weird thing is that the resources are just in the middle of the ocean floating. I wonder where it came from.
How to collect debris?
     We use the hook. You basically just hold it, aim and let go to get the stuffs. Also if the resources floats close to or under the raft, you are able to just press E to collect it.
  1. Your raft [IMAGE] 
  1. each type of debris [IMAGE] -what's it good for?
The main debris that we need is wood, leaf, plastic and scrap. Wood can be use to build onto the craft. Leaf can be make into rope, which can be used to build tools. Plastic can also be use to build foundations and tools. Scrap is the most rare one among the four, it does not float on the ocean by itself. It only comes in the barriers, it can be make into nails, which is another more advantaged resources.

  1. a shark eating your raft [IMAGE] 

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