Friday, June 14, 2019

Game Journalism Work Day 4 - Upgrades

Game Journalism Work Day 4 - Upgrades

 2 plant
3 Water container
4 Axe

5 Storage

Thursday, June 13, 2019

Game Journalism Play 3

                Game Journalism Play 3
1. What NEW things did you build today? [IMAGE]
     I build a bird nest today, it gives me feathers.

2. How will these NEW things help you play the game (TIPS&TRICKS)?
     It attracts birds and left me with feathers and eggs. The feathers can be used to build things such as an upgraded bed. The eggs are really nutritious, it boost up the hunger bar and the water bar for me.
3. What strategies are you going to try to focus on tomorrow?
     I will be focusing on building a melter to get vine gods from seaweeds and metal bricks from metal ore. But I also have to gather lots of woods, so that I can afford to run the melter.4. Add a picture of your raft. (include a caption) 
Explain why you built the raft the way you did.
     I build the raft this way because I will not lose anything even if a shark attacks me. Since the out range of the raft is wrapped with foundations.

Game Journalism Work Day 3 - Build More

Game Journalism Work Day 3 - Build More
What are the right click options when holding a hammer?
Use (IMAGEs) to display each of the 7 options.
A support pole

A wall that is similar to a fence, prevent you from falling, can build decorations o there as well
A fence that doesn't block your view and still work as a fence

helps you to get onto an island or having a second floor on your raft.
Gives you shade and blocks the rain
After being attacked by a shark, use this to repair it 
  • a research table - (IMAGE)

  • a Net - (IMAGE)
Helps you collect the resources
  • scare crow - (IMAGE)
  • A second level - (IMAGE)
  • shark bait -Shark eating Shark bait [VIDEO]
  • foraging on an Island - (IMAGE)

Game Journalism Play Day 2

Game Journalism Play Day 2

1. What specifically did you do today?
     I build more onto the raft, I started to move things to the second floor so that it is more safe, I also build more storage as I gathered more and more resources. Then I fished more often so that I always have food left. I also put spare or I should say back up resources in the storages, just in case I died on a trip to under water.

2. What did you learn about how to play the game (TIPS&TRICKS)?
     I learn to plan out everything well in this game. Because if nothing is planned you will kind of be confused about what is going on, and how to make the raft better. So my trick when I kinda get confused is to put things in the storage, then deal with it when I get my mind back.3. What strategies are you going to try to focus on tomorrow?
     I will be focusing on finding islands, so that I can collect more sand and clays to make bricks to build a melter.4. Add a picture of your raft. (include a caption) Explain what you have done to your raft and WHY.
     This is my raft right now, it looks plain but stable. As you can see, the surrounding of the raft is empty, because that will save my life when I am being attacked by a shark. I will be able to get on any side of the raft.

Game Journalism Work Day 2 - Thrive

Game Journalism Work Day 2 - Thrive

make a water purifier [IMAGE] then demo it [MOVIE].

create a fishing rod [IMAGE] then catch a fish [MOVIE]

construct a simple grill [IMAGE] then cook a fish [MOVIE]

  • Sail your Raft   (IMAGE) [VIDEO]

Defend a shark

Friday, June 7, 2019

Game Journalism Play Day 1

Game Journalism Play Day 1

1. What specifically did you do?
     I used this whole day to collect resources and build tools and things that I need to survive, which is building a water purifier and a basic grill. I also build a storage because I noticed that I cannot carry all the resources with me throughout the game. The I build the fishing rod and the wooden stick, so that I can get myself food and also use the wooden stick to protect myself if a shark attacks me.
2. What did you learn about how to play the game?                                 (Tips and Tricks)
     I learned to prioritize things in the game, because with limited resources, it is not possible to get all the tools made. So it is important to know how to choose which tool to make first. And also to store things in the storage because in case anything happens, you'll still have resources to start over again.3. What strategies are you going to try to focus on tomorrow?     I will be focusing on building onto the raft, as the more space you have, the more things you can do on it.4. Add a picture of your raft that includes a description
I started building a second floor so that it can help me get onto an island if I get close to one. But so far, it has all the basic things like the water purifier, the grill, storage and a bed.

Game Journalism Work Day 1 - Basics

Game Journalism Work Day 1 - Basics

Introduction of the game:
     This game is basically about surviving in the middle of the ocean starting with a small raft. And then slowly build up to a fancy raft and explore more resources. The weird thing is that the resources are just in the middle of the ocean floating. I wonder where it came from.
How to collect debris?
     We use the hook. You basically just hold it, aim and let go to get the stuffs. Also if the resources floats close to or under the raft, you are able to just press E to collect it.
  1. Your raft [IMAGE] 
  1. each type of debris [IMAGE] -what's it good for?
The main debris that we need is wood, leaf, plastic and scrap. Wood can be use to build onto the craft. Leaf can be make into rope, which can be used to build tools. Plastic can also be use to build foundations and tools. Scrap is the most rare one among the four, it does not float on the ocean by itself. It only comes in the barriers, it can be make into nails, which is another more advantaged resources.

  1. a shark eating your raft [IMAGE]