Thursday, May 16, 2019

JavaScript(17)---Introduction to Requests

Introduction to Requests

One of JavaScript’s greatest assets is its non-blocking properties, or that it is an asynchronous language.

  • JavaScript is the language of the web because of its asynchronous capabilities. AJAX, which stands for Asynchronous JavaScript and XML, is a set of tools that are used together to take advantage of JavaScript’s asynchronous capabilities.
  • There are many HTTP request methods, two of which are GET and POST.
  • GET requests only request information from other sources.
  • POST methods can introduce new information to other sources in addition to requesting it.
  • GET requests can be written using an XMLHttpRequest object and vanilla JavaScript.
  • POST requests can also be written using an XMLHttpRequest object and vanilla JavaScript.
  • Writing GET and POST requests with XHR objects and vanilla JavaScript requires constructing the XHR object using new, setting the responseType, creating a function that will handle the response object, and opening and sending the request.
  • To add a query string to a URL endpoint you can use ? and include a parameter.
  • To provide additional parameters, use & and then include a key-value pair, joined by =.
  • Determining how to correctly write the requests and how to properly implement them requires carefully reading the documentation of the API with which you’re working.
What did I learn in this lesson? 
I did not learn too much on the coding part, however, I learned about a new way of using the codes. And this is actually pretty cool, and can be used in doing surveys.
What I'll be doing tomorrow?

Introduction to Requests with ES6

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