Friday, February 1, 2019

Preparing for HTML

Lesson two: Preparing for HTML

What I did today...
    Let web browsers know that you are using HTML by starting your document with a document type declarationHypertext Markup Language
Who is making the Web standards?
  The World Wide Web Consortium
code: <!DOCTYPE html>
    This code automatically helps me bring up the basic website that I have made in lesson one. But now this whole website is consider as a document.

Code to add a link with Captions:
  <a href="">Captions</a>
The target="_blank" attribute, when used in modern browsers, will open new websites in a new tab.
 <a href=""
         target="_blank">Learn More</a>
A relative path is a filename that shows the path to a local file (a file on the same website. The ./ in ./index.html tells the browser to look for the file in the current folder.
  <a href="./index.html">Brown Bear</a>

    The World Wide Web Consortium, or W3C, is responsible for maintaining the style standards of HTML. At the time of writing, the W3C recommends 2 spaces of indentation when writing HTML code. 
Correct form example showed below:

  The comment is used to denote that the following text makes up a particular section of the page. Showed below.

What I learn in this lesson:

   I learned lots of new codes in this lesson, and I can see that the lessons are slowly getting more and more difficult. And I started to struggle a little bit, and had to use a few hints in order to finish some of the steps.  The most useful code that I've learn today is adding a link and also tells the browsers to open the link in a new tab. And the most important thing I've learn is the W3C format of coding, I understand that using this form can make the code page look a lot more tidier and introduced me to the coding format.

What I am going to do next week:

  I will be moving onto lesson three next week and lesson three is about setting up tables. But before that, I am going to try finish the assignments given on codecademy which is creating a fashion blog.

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