Friday, February 22, 2019

Learn the Command Line---MANIPULATION ls, revisited

Learn the Command Line---MANIPULATION ls, revisited

What I did today...
---the ls command has several more options. Here are three common options:
-a - lists all contents, including hidden files and directories
-l - lists all contents of a directory in long format
-t - order files and directories by the time they were last modified.
ls -alt---ls -alt lists all contents, including hidden files and directories, in long format, ordered by the date and time they were last modified.
Here's what each column means(from left to right):
  • 1. Access rights. These are actions that are permitted on a file or directory.
  • 2. Number of hard links. This number counts the number of child directories and files. This number includes the parent directory link (..) and current directory link (.).
  • 3. The username of the file's owner. Here the username is cc.
  • 4. The name of the group that owns the file. Here the group name is eng.
  • 5. The size of the file in bytes.
  • 6. The date & time that the file was last modified.
  • 7. The name of the file or directory.
How to navigate to the drama/biopic/ directory?
   cd ../drama/biopic/
cp command copies
mv move files
rm removes deletes files and directories
The -r is an option that modifies the behavior of the rm command. The -r stands for "recursive," and it's used to delete a directory and all of its child directories.

NotesBe careful when you use rm! It deletes files and directories permanently. There isn't an undelete command, so once you delete a file or directory with rm, it's gone.

What did I learn...
   I learned more about how Command Line works and got lots of practice from the lessons. During the lesson, I found some serious problems about the website. It sometimes automatically resets the lessons and made me lose all my progress.

What I'm doing tomorrow...
   Because of the problems that I found about the Codecademy website, I've been thinking about changing my learning progress to another website such as w3schools.

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