Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Python Lists and Dictionaries

Python Lists and Dictionaries

What I learned from this project...
Assign items to a list with an expression of the form:
list_name = [item_1, item_2]
Replace: numbers[0]="3"
Then the first number 5 will be replaced by 3

The code used above is the Python index code that I've learned from the lessons from before:
Append: A list doesn't have to have a fixed length. You can add items to the end of a list any time you like!

Slicing Lists and Strings: Think of strings as lists of characters: each character is a sequential item in the list, starting from index 0.

We can also insert items into a list.
Sometimes you need to search for an item in a list.
Write a statement in the indented part of the for-loop that prints a number equal to 2 * number for every list item.
The result is...All the numbers were multiplied by 2.
If your list is a jumbled mess, you may need to sort() it.
Items can be removed from a dictionary with the del command
Sometimes you need to remove something from a list.

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